Product Description
Arthritis Relief™ 1 fl oz.
Selected as the Best Natural Product for Pets in 1996 by the readers of Pet Product News, the leading publication of the pet supplies industry.
A natural aid against the aches and pains of arthritis.
Ease your pet's muscle and joint pain naturally. Help is now available in the form of a homeopathic medicine used for many years in Europe by veterinarians and pet owners.
Contains ingredients known to activate the body's own healing mechanisms against inflammation and stiffness. The medicine, which comes in one fluid ounce bottles, is easily administered by putting a few drops in an animal's mouth or drinking water.
Can be used as a natural alternative to Rimadyl®, EtoGesic® and Deramaxx® without any of the toxic side-effects.
Use in conjunction with Mobility Formula for natural long-lasting relief
The ingredients and their homeopathic potencies in this product are: Dulcamara 4C, Bryonia 4C, Rhus Toxicodendron 4C, Apis mellifica 4C, Colchicum autumnale 4C, Hypericum 4C.
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