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Flea Relief 1 oz

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Product Description

Flea Relief1 fl oz. 

Aids in healing and helps relieve itching, scratching and biting caused by fleas, ticks, mites and lice.

Flea Relief is a natural homeopathic medicine that helps relieve itching, scratching and biting caused by fleas, ticks, mites and lice. It also aids in the healing process. The combined ingredients in this remedy are designed to activate the body's own self-repair and healing mechanisms against itching, swelling, eczema, and sore spots. One of the ingredients -- pulex irritans -- is flea extract. This formula uses flea to combat flea!

It's a great natural alternative to products like Advantage®, Program® and Frontline®.

Ingredients: Apis mellifica 3x, Urtica urens 3x, Pulsatilla 3x, Sulphur 6x, Lycopodium clavatum 6x, Ledum palustre 6x, Mezereum 6x, Pulex irritans 12x. Flea Relief is a liquid and can be given orally or in water or on a little bit of food. Dosage: 5 to 15 drops (depending on size and weight) twice a day, morning and evening for the first week to 10 days.

Continue once a day for 4 to 5 more days after which the dosage may be decreased until a maintenance level is arrived at (once every 2 days). Homeopathics can and should be adjusted individually, it is acceptable to try smaller amounts for smaller animals, more for larger animals and adjust if necessary. One 1 fl. oz. bottle will last between 3 and 6 weeks. Administer orally or add to drinking water.

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