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Blog ~ A Few Words from Dr. Goodpet

Heal Your Pets Naturally with the Power of Homeopathy

No two dogs or cats are exactly alike, even though they may be of the same breed, even if they are related to one another. Today, too many veterinarians lose sight of this fact, often ignoring the individuality of animals and treating them as if they are all identical – but we proud and dedicated pet owners know better. We [...]

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Learn What's Causing Your Pet's Sickness & Cure it - Without the Vet!

Inflammation is public enemy number one when it comes to the health and longevity of canines and felines – it is the underlying cause of all disease, including cancer. Too much inflammation equals a higher risk of chronic illness and much lower quality of life. Recent research has even uncovered that dogs and cats are born with a certain [...]

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Goat's Milk ~ The New Superfood for Dogs & Cats

The American Journal of Medicine considers Goat milk to be “ the most complete food known,” an extremely impressive title considering the countless health foods out there. If this surprises you, it’s probably because in America when we think of milk, we typically think of cows. But it is actually milk from goats that is the most consumed milk in [...]

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Top 6 Reasons to Start Your Pets on Fish Oil

1). Like humans, dogs and cats are unable to synthesize vital omega 3 and 6 fats, so they must have it in their diet. Unfortunately, most if not all processed pet foods do not deliver the fatty goods our animals need, and  high quality fish oil is the convenient solution to this problem. 2). Omega 3 fatty acids EPA and DHA have been shown to [...]

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The Non-Toxic Remedy that Kills Fleas Fast

Summer may be winding down, but that doesn’t mean the fleas are leaving with it. Most of us pet owners are constantly engaged in the seemingly never-ending conflict with these pesky fleas. We often resort to using harmful chemicals in order to win small battles, while the war rages on. Thankfully there is an effective,  all natural alternative to toxic [...]

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5 Reasons Your Dogs and Cats Need Vitamin C

1. Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid) encourages the production and maintenance of collagen, the connective tissue that helps your pets make up cartilage which is so important to joint health . Vitamin C also plays a pivotal role in maintaining youthful collagen. 2. Although dogs produce their own Vitamin C, the amount naturally manufactured is often insufficient, especially for senior dogs who produce much less [...]

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The Absolute Best Tip to Keep Your Dogs & Cats Youthful and Active

From the time our pets are born, the transition into adulthood often times leads to a steady decline in their activity level, sometimes much earlier than expected. Dogs aren’t quite as eager to play fetch and cats are no longer sprinting up trees with reckless abandon. Unfortunately getting older is also often accompanied by body aches and arthritis, [...]

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Pure Shampoo: A Must-Have for your Dogs and Cats

As responsible and loving owners, we only want the best for our dogs and cats, especially when it comes to health and hygiene. There are hundreds of pet shampoos and conditioners on the market to choose from, but you might be wondering, “What makes these specially formulated for my pet?”  Well, the truth might disturb you - that is, today [...]

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​Miraculous Health Benefits of Coconut Oil for Dogs & Cats

Lately, coconut oil has gained momentum as one of the leading health foods on the market, and for good reason. Use of the highly nutritious oil extracted from fresh coconuts has demonstrated 3 incredible benefits aside from increased energy, fat loss, protecting hair and skin from harmful sun rays and boosting brain function, to name [...]

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Probiotics: The Key to Keeping your Dogs & Cats Healthy

Like humans, canines and felines have digestive systems that house billions and billions of beneficial bacteria, also known as intestinal flora. And just like humans, when the concentration of good bacteria is too low, our furry little friends suffer from the same issues: poor digestion, weakened immune function and greater susceptibility to sickness and disease.  These days, veterinarians will often put [...]

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